How Valuable is Your Data and Should you Back it up?

Monitoring the flow of information within a business, as well as working out how particular systems are being used, is important. However, there are often gaps in data collection and storage which, if left unchecked, can cause issues further down the line. FAS rules require that you plug these gaps, but there are many other reasons to do so besides regulatory compliance. Here are just a few examples of why proper data collection matters.

The old saying states that prevention is better than cure, which is why the deterrent nature of total data collection and information storage is useful. If all staff know that their activities are being monitored while they are using company systems, or third-party services employed by the firm, then they will be less likely to use them for inappropriate purposes. Malpractice by a single worker can be bad news for the company as a whole, so being able to make clear the ways in which this can be detected and recorded might help stifle illicit activities.

Protecting your Business against Litigation

Linked with this is the ability to defend against litigation with cold, hard, evidential data that can be used to fight your case. Data collection can be a safety net that will either work in your favor if a case ever makes it to court, or prevent any disputes ever getting that far if it is irrefutably favorable to your cause. The evidence will also help you to resolve all sorts of common disputes, whether with staff, clients or business partners, so proper cataloging provides many benefits.

Alternatively, if you are the plaintiff in a case, then this evidence can act as proof of any fraudulent activity that has been detected. Suspicions and anecdotal information will not stand up to scrutiny, but if you have logs which show any untoward actions then it should be simple to conclude a case quickly and efficiently.

How intelligent could your data be ?

But data collection is not only useful in defending your business or attacking those who might seek to damage it. There is much more that can be achieved if you eliminate any loopholes in your data-collection practices. Firstly, you will be able to improve the quality of service and care you can offer to customers. This is because you will have a pool of intelligence relating to these activities and you can log previous interactions in order to better serve clients in the future.

This will consequently lead to a greater degree of trust being placed in your company. People tend to respect firms that operate transparently and are more than happy to meet regulatory requirements, as well as presenting their data usage and recording techniques in an open manner. This should result a lot of repeat business and increasing loyalty among those who use your business.

Another reason to monitor and collect data is the savings you will make. For example, members of staff could contribute to inflated telecoms costs if they are using business lines to make personal calls. In firms where this kind of activity can be tracked, this relatively harmless but potentially costly activity will become less prevalent, presenting you with significant savings.

If you are working in a sector which requires compliance with strict data regulations, then cross-platform monitoring and recording will be useful. Those who work remotely with smart phones, tablets or laptops might normally represent the biggest gap in your collection capabilities, as they not in the closely monitored office environment. With modern service providers, however, this need no longer be an issue because cloud platforms make it much easier to effectively manage those who are working in other locations.

Mobile call recording from Daisy enables companies to become fully compliant with the new FAS regulations, businesses can record and store all mobile communications, recordings are then stored in one of Daisys UK data centres.  Daisy Group plc is a leading provider of business hosting  and telecoms solutions including Cloud Computing and Mobile Call Recording to UK SME, corporate and enterprise customers.  Daisy has data centres located in three locations across the UK.

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